‘누가 주님께 택함받고 쓰임받는가?’
본문 관찰과 묵상
안디옥출신 헬라인 의사 누가는 바울을 만나 그리스도인이 되었다. 평생 바울의 동역자로 살았다. 신실한 종이었다. 의사인 누가가 철저히 살핀후에 데오빌로에게 보낸 편지는 신뢰할 만한 가치가 있다. 그에 의하여 사가랴와 엘리사벳 부부가 하나님으로 택함받았다. 그 부부도 신실하였다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
신실한 안디옥의 헬라인 의사 누가가 쓴 누가복음은 예수 그리스도에 관하여 정확하고 자세하게 기록하였다. 예수님이 오실 길을 예비할 세례요한의 부모는 신실한 제사장이었다. 하나님앞에 의로운 사람이었다. 제사장으로 섬길 기회가 1만 8천명 가운데 처음이자 마지막으로 왔다.
결단과 적용
나에게 맡겨진 제사장의 사역에 충실하자. 순간 순간의 섬김이 나에게 주어진 마지막 기회라고 여기고 산다. 나중에 뒤돌아보아 한 점 한도 원도 후회도 없는 삶을 살아보려 최선을 다하였다. 몸이 많이 연약하여졌다. 옛날처럼 뛰지 못한다. 주여, 이 종에게 긍휼을 베풀어 주소서! 끝까지 전심을 다하여 섬기게 하소서!
‘Who is chosen and used by God?’
Lk. 1:1-10
Observation and meditation
Luke was a physician from Antioch. He was met by Paul, and he became a Christian. He worked with Paul as a partner through his entire life. He was a faithful servant of God. Luke the physician carefully investigated about Jesus from the beginning before he sent his investigation to a very high-ranking government officer Theophilus. Therefore, it was a very trustworthy letter. According to Luke, the couple, Zachariah, and Elizabeth were chosen because they were very faithful.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
The gospel of Luke was recorded precisely and in detail on Jesus by the faithful servant and physician Luke. The parents of the John the Baptist who came to prepare the way for the Messiah were very faithful priest. They were righteous before God. For the first and last time Zachariah was given once in a lifetime chance to serve the Lord as a priest in the sanctuary out of 18,000 priests.
Decisions and applications
I must be very faithful to my commissioned priesthood. I consider each service would be my last service for the Lord and the people. Later in my life when I look back my life, I do not want to have any wants, wishes, and regrets. Hence, I do my best in every moment to serve. However, as I am getting old my health seems to be deteriorating. I simply cannot participate in any ministry as I used to do. Lord, therefore, have mercy upon me so that I may run my race all the way to the end.