‘예수는 누구인가?’
본문관찰과 묵상
예수는 네가 누구냐고 질문하는 자들에게 나는 위에서 났고 이 세상에 속하지 않았다고 했다. 자신을 보내신 참되신 아버지가 하신 말씀을 세상에 말한다고 했다. 아버지가 항상 함께 하시고 그가 기뻐하는 일을 행한다 했다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
위에서 오신 예수를 아래에서 난 사람들이 어찌 알리요. 아래에서 난 인간은 이 세상에 속하여 죄가운데서 죽는다. 인자가 십자가에 못박혀 죽은후에야 내가 하나님이요, 그리스도인줄을 알게 되리라.
결단과 적용
예수 그리스도를 믿을수 있게 도와주신 나의 조부모, 부모, 형제 자매들에게 감사한다. 거듭날 수 있도록 도우신 성령님께 감사드린다. 도저히 깨달을수 없는 진리 예수가 나의 구세주요, 나의 메시야, 나의 그리스도 가 되심을 진심으로 감사드린다. 그리고 그 예수를 오늘도 계속 전하며 살아간다.
‘Who is Jesus?’
John 8:21-30
Observation and meditation on the text
Jesus answered to people who asked him who he was that he was from above and he was not of this world. He said that his Father was trustworthy so what he heard from Father he told the world. He said that his Father was with him always, and he did everything what pleased his Father.
I hear the voice of the lord through QT
How can I know Jesus who is from above as a man from below? A man from below is of the world, and I will die in my sins unless I believe in Jesus. People would understand Jesus was God and Christ when he was lifted on the cross and died.
Decisions and applications
I give thanks to my grandparents, parents, siblings who helped me to believe in Jesus. I also give thanks to the Holy Spirit who helped me to be born from above. I give thanks that I could believe the unbelievable truth that Jesus is my Savior, Messiah, and Christ. And today, I keep on witnessing Jesus.