‘그 때에 긍휼하심을 받으리라!’
본문관찰과 묵상
‘그 때’는 제사장이 낭실과 단 사이에서 대제사장 예수님과 함께 중보기도 할 때다. 중보기도로 ‘곡식과 새 포도주’말씀이 살아나고 성령의기름부으심을 받으리라. 사람이 회복되니 자연과 들짐승도 회복되리라.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
이른비와 늦은비가 회복되어 회복과 추수의 긍휼과 인자를 맛보리라. 정의의 하나님이 상실한 만큼 갚아주리라. 중보기도자로 말미암아 수치대신 찬송이 넘치리라. 성별 세대를 하나되게 하는 성령의 기름부으심이 넘치리라 중보기도의 능력은 주의 이름을 부르게 하여 다 구원함을 받으리라!
결단과 적용
나의 남은 삶을 중보기도자로 살리라. 내가 낭실과 단 사이에 서서 예수님처럼 세상의 모든 죄가 나 때문으로 여기고 중보기도 할 때 ‘그 때에 주님의 긍휼하심, 라함의 생명의 역사가 세상을 덮으리라. 나도 중보기도로 살림 받았다. 나의 가정과 교회에 318 중보기도가 부흥하도록 기도하며 살리라!
‘Then, we shall be pitied by God.’
Joel 2:18-32
Observation and meditation on the text
‘Then,’ pinpoints the exact time when the priests stand firmly between the portico and the altar to offer intercessory prayers with Jesus our High Priest. Intercessory prayers are the only instruments through which ‘the food, wine, and oil,’ which symbolizes the spiritual food of living word of God, Joy, and anointing of the Holy Spirit shall be poured upon nations. When the broken sinners are restored, nature and the wild animals should be restored too.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Through the intercessory prayers, we shall enjoy the early and the late rain of God’s blessings for restoration of souls and harvest of food by his mercy and pity. The God of righteousness shall pay me back whatever I have been exploited by the enemies. In all the nations due to the intercessory prayers praises shall be offered to God instead of revealing the shame of sins. By being anointed with the Holy Spirit there shall be unity among all generations. The power of the intercessory prayers will enable all the sinners to call out the name of the Lord and to be saved.
Decisions and applications
For the rest of my life, I shall live as an intercessory prayer warrior. If I stand firmly with Jesus between the portico and the altar as an intercessory prayer warrior, then, at that time, the mercy of God, which is ‘Raham,’ in Hebrew means restoration of life by God shall cover all nations. Since my life has been restored by so many people’s intercessory prayers as well as Jesus’ I am indebted to them. I will keep on praying that I and my family and my church shall experience the revival of intercessory prayers through 318 intercessory prayer warriors.