‘선한 목자는 양을 위해 목숨을 버린다’
본문관찰과 묵상
예수는 자신을 선한목자라고 했다. 삯꾼은 자신의 이익위해 양을 버린다. 선한 목자는 양을 위해 스스로 목숨을 버린다. 목숨을 다시 얻기위함이다. 스스로 목숨을 버리는 권세는 아버지로부터 받은 것이다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
이런 말을 들은 유대인은 두 파로 나뉘었다. 귀신들린자 취급하는 자도 있었으나 귀신 들린 자가 어떻게 맹인의 눈을 뜨게 할수있겠느냐, 하나님이 보낸자가 아니냐? 오늘도 예수를 보고 사람들은 2로 나뉜다.
결단과 적용
그래서 오늘도 예수의 증인들이 필요하다. 선한 목자 예수는 스스로 나를 위해 목숨을 버리셨다. 나를 살리시고 예수는 부활하셔서 그 생명을 다시 얻으셨다. 나도 예수의 죽으심과 부활하심에 동참함으로 새 생명을 얻었으니 주님앞에 가는 날 까지 예수의 증인으로 살아갈 것이다.
‘The good shepherd lay down his life for the sheep.’
John 10:11-21
Observation and meditation on the text
Jesus said he was the good shepherd. However, the hired hand is not the shepherd, and he will abandon the sheep for his own interest. On the contrary, the good shepherd lay down his life for the sake of the sheep. And he will get his life back. Jesus said he had received such an authority to lay down his life and to get it back from his father.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Upon hearing Jesus’ declaration, Jews were divided to two groups. One group said that Jesus must be demon possessed while the other group said that Jesus must be from God because he healed the blind man. Even today, people are divided to such two groups too.
Decisions and applications
Therefore, it is legitimate for God to call as many witnesses as possible to evangelize the world with the good news that Jesus is God. The good Shepherd Jesus Christ lay down his own life for such a dead sinner like me to receive his life. Jesus revived my life upon crucifixion and through his resurrection, Jesus got his life back. Since I have received a new life by participating in his crucifixion and resurrection, I am determined adamantly and obstinately to witness Jesus is God who is my Savior and Lord until I meet my Lord in the heavenly kingdom.