‘모든 구속사는 하나님의 때에 이루어진다’
본문 관찰과 묵상
애굽에 요셉을 알지 못하는 왕이 나와서 히브리인들의 자녀들을 죽였다. 그때 모세가 태어났다. 3달 집에서 양육되고 애굽의 공주가 데려다 아들로 길렀다. 40세에 모세는 동족을 돌아볼 마음이 생겨 애굽인을 쳐 죽였다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
모세를 통하여 이스라엘이 구원받으리라는 것을 한 사람도 믿지 않았다. 미디안으로 도주하여 결혼하고 2 아들을 낳았다. 40년후 하나님이 모세를 만나고 애굽에 가서 하나님의 백성을 구하라는 소명을 받았다. 모든 것은 하나님의 때에 하나님의 방법으로 하나님은 구속사를 펼쳐 나가신다.
결단과 적용
하나님은 섭리자 시다. 미리 때를 보시고 때를 따라 사람을 부르신다. 하나님이 일하시는 방법은 경륜이다. 어머니의 품에서 양육되지 못하고 원수의 공주의 슬하에서 자라게 하셨다. 동족을 위해 싸워도 동족이 거부하였다. 초월적인 하나님의 부르심은 자격없는 자에게는 부담으로만 여겨진다.
‘Every redemption is fulfilled in God’s time.’
Acts 7:17-50
Observation and meditation on the text
When a new king was enthroned, who did not know who Joseph was began to annihilate the children of Hebrew. Moses was born right at that time. He was raised by his mother at home for 3 months. After that Moses was taken into the Pharaoh’s palace, and a princess adopted him to be her son. When Moses was 40, he began to take care of his people, and he killed the murderer who killed his people.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
No one even guessed that Moses would deliver the Israelites. He became a fugitive in the land of Midian and got married there and had 2 sons. 40 years later God met Moses and Moses got a call from God to save God’s people. Likewise, every redemption is fulfilled by God’s methodology at God’s chosen times.
Decisions and applications
God is God of providence. God foresees God’s right time and call for God’s people. God’s way of fulfilling God’s covenant is called God’s administration. Moses was not nurtured by his own mom, but God made him a princess’s son to be nurtured and nourished by her. Even though he fought for a weak Hebrew, his own kindred opposed Stephen’s arguments. God’s call, which is beyond one’s human understanding, such a nominal Christians who never accepted Jesus shall be burdened by God’s gift as a bothersome.