‘나 자신에게 박차를 가하라!’
본문 관찰과 묵상
바울이 고린도를 떠나 수리아를 향하여 갈 때 겐그리아에서 머리를 깍았다. 에베소의 회당에서 복음을 전했다. 에베소를 떠나 가이사랴에 가서 교회를 살피고 안디옥으로 갔다. 2차 선교가 끝나고 곧 이어 3차선교를 떠났다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
많은 환난을 겪은후 바울은 겐그리아에서 머리를 깍았다. 자신을 위한 결단을 새롭게 하였다. 나실인으로 구별되어 오직 복음전파에 힘씀을 외적으로도 선포하였다. 2차선교를 마치고 바로 교회를 돌아보려 3차선교를 떠났다.
결단과 적용
중단없는 선교는 새로운 결단을 요구한다. 환난을 겪은 곳으로 다시 들어가 복음을 전했던 바울은 계속되는 환난에 자신의 결단을 외적으로 선포했다. 자신에게 박차를 가한 것이다. 죽어도 복음을 전하리라! 나의 결단이다.
‘Spur yourself at every turning point.’
Acts 18:18-28
Observation and meditation on the text
On his way to Syria upon leaving Corinth Paul had his hair cut off at Cenchreae. Paul preached the gospel at the synagogue in Ephesus. Upon leaving Ephesus, Paul landed at Caesarea and went to Jerusalem to greet the church and then he went to Antioch. After the completion of his 2nd mission, Paul went on the 3rd mission.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
After experiencing many sufferings, Paul had his hair cut off at Chenchreae. He made up his mind to serve the Lord adamantly. He declared in public that he consecrated himself as Nazarite so that he would wholeheartedly preach the gospel only. After the 2nd mission Paul left Antioch to launch the 3rd mission.
Decisions and applications
For the sake of the unceasing God’s mission, I need to renew my call. Paul who went back to the city in which he was almost stoned to death, he made a lucid public declaration by having his hair cut off. He spurred himself to enhance his call and missions. Likewise, I also challenge and encourage myself to keep on preaching the gospel all the way to the end.