‘가장 높은 대제사장은 예수님이다’
본문 관찰과 묵상
아브라함의 자손중에 레위인중 제사장의 직분을 받은자는 아브라함의 자손에게서 십일조를 받았다. 그런데 아브라함을 살렘왕 멜기세덱에게 십일조를 드리고 축복을 받았다. 폐 일언하고 낮은 자가 높은 자에게서 축복을 받는다.
QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성
레위인 제사장들은 죽을자들인데 십일조를 받으나 살렘왕 멜기세덱인 예수 그리스도는 살아있는자가 십일조를 받는다. 십일조를 받는 레위인도 아브라함을 통하여 예수님께 십일조를 드렸다. 아브라함보다 레위인보다 높은 제사장은 예수님이다.
결단과 적용
살렘왕 멜기세덱은 의의왕, 평강의 왕, 부모도 족보도 시작도 끝도 없는 하나님의 아들이다. 즉 예수 그리스도다. 모든 레위인 제사장도, 그들의 조상인 아브라함도 예수님께 십일조를 드리고 축복을 받았다. 가장 높으신 예수님이 내 대제사장이 되시니 주님께 내 삶을 드리고 주님의 축복을 받아 살리라!
‘The highest high priest is Jesus Christ.’
Heb. 7:1-10
Observation and meditation on the text
Among Abraham’s descendants those who were chosen to be priests in the tribe of Levi received tithe from the children of Abraham. However, Abraham himself gave his tithe to Melchizedek, who was the king of Salem, the king of peace and righteousness and was blessed by him. Without doubt the lesser is blessed by the greater.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
The Levitical priests were doomed to die but received tithe while the king of peace and righteousness Melchizedek, Jesus Christ is alive and receive tithe. All the Levitical priests gave their tithe to Jesus through Abraham. The highest priest Jesus Christ is higher than Abraham or Levitical priests.
Decisions and applications
The king of Salem Melchizedek was the king of righteousness, the king of peace who was without father and mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, who is God. And God is Jesus Christ. All the Levitical priests and their ancestor Abraham gave tithe to Jesus Christ, and they were blessed by Jesus. Since the highest Jesus is my high priest, I want to surrender my life to him and live as I receive God’s blessings from Jesus Christ.