‘느헤미야의 리더쉽의 출발점은 무엇인가?’
본문관찰과 묵상
느헤미야는 유대백성의 바벨론 포로중에 태어나 왕의 술 관원이 된자다.
유대인 하나니가 느헤미야를 찾아왔고 그로부터 예루살렘 성벽은 허물어 진채 로 있어 남아있는 자들이 강도와 들짐승의 공격에 무방비 상태란 말을 들었다.
QT를 통해 듣는 주님의 음성
느헤미야는 바벨론의 높은 관직에 있었지만 조국을 사랑하는 마음으로 즉시 금식하며 기도했다. 그리고 마치 자신이 지은 죄로 조국에 있던 백성들이 고통당하는 것처럼 회개했다. 그리고 하나님의 언약의 말씀을 기억하여 그와 함께한 자들의 회개의 기도를 들으시고 회복시켜 주실 것을 기도했다.
결단과 적용
느헤미야는 모른척 했을 수도 있다. 자신은 이미 높은 관직에서 편안히 살수있는데 자신은 가보지도 못한 조국을 위해 금식하고 기도한 것은 관심이요 사랑이었다. 스룹바벨의 1차귀환으로 성전이 건축되었고 에스라의 2차귀환으로 영적인 혁명이 일어난후 90여년이 지났는데 아직도 성벽이 재건되지 못하였음을 듣고 금식하며 기도했다. 느헤미야의 리더쉽의 출발점은 첫째로 긍휼히 여기는 마음이요 둘째, 금식과 기도로 하나님께 간구한 것이다. 주여 이 종에게도 나라와 민족과 잃어버린 영혼을 위한 긍휼히 여기는 마음과 금식하며 기도로 하나님앞에 서는 리더가 되게 하소서!
‘What was the starting point of Nehemiah’s leadership?’
Ne 1:1-11
Observation and meditation on the text
Nehemiah was born during Babylonian exile, and he became cupbearer to the king. Hanani came from Judah to see Nehemiah, and Nehemiah heard from him that the walls of Jerusalem had still remained devastated. Therefore, people in Jerusalem were exposed to robbers and wild animals in great danger.
I hear the voice of the Lord through QT
Nehemiah was a high-ranking government officer, but he immediately identified himself with his homeland people and began to fast and pray for them. And he cried with contrite heart as if people’s suffering in his homeland was the result of his own sins. In his prayer, he reminded God of his own covenant that if they repented of their sins then God would restore their broken lives.
Decisions and applications
Since he was living in complacency as a high-ranking government officer in Babylon, Nehemiah could have chosen to neglect about what he heard of. However, it was his love and concern on his homeland for Nehemiah to fast and prayed to God for restoration of his homeland which he had never visited before. The first group of people who came up from the captivity of the exiles with Zerubbabel to Judah restored the temple of God. And the second group of people with Ezra began spiritual revivals in Judah. Since that time the walls of Jerusalem were left intact 90 years had passed. The starting point of Nehemiah’s leadership was first, he identified himself with those who were suffering in Jerusalem. Second, he began to fast and pray to God. Lord, I desperately need to restore my heart to be merciful to suffering people. And Lord, help me to fast and pray for people who are suffering because they do not know Jesus yet until I stand before you.